YOORI v1.3.2 - Laravel Vue Multi-Vendor PWA eCommerce CMS
YOORI is a complete eCommerce solution for the most common shopping platforms. It has a lot of build-in futures which are actually needed for every shopping site.
YOORI Build For:
- Single & Multi-Vendor eCommerce.
- Marketplace.
- Fashion & Beauty eCommerce.
- Electronic eCommerce.
- B2C eCommerce.
- B2B eCommerce.
- Drop Shipping Website.
Payment Gateway:
- PayPal(International)
- Stripe(International)
- PayTM(India)
- sslCommarz(BanglaDesh)
- RazorPay(India)
- JazzCash(Pakisthan)
- Pay Later Option
- PayStack(Upcoming)
- Molle(Upcoming)
- FlutterWave(Upcoming)
- Mercadopago(Upcoming)
Available Shipping Charge Type:
- Free(Pick From Hub)
- Product Based
- Invoice Amount Based
- Area Wise
- Flat Rate
What’s Makes YOORI Unique:
- PWA Enabled eCommerce.
- Latest Framework & Technology used.
- Single Page Application(Loading Less Experience).
- Free Vendor/Seller System Addon.
- All Necessary Features Available for Every Business.
Available Product Type:
- Simple Product
- Variable Product
- Digital Product
- Catalog Product
- Classified Product
- Wholesale Product(Paid Addon)
Technology Used:
- Back-End: PHP, Laravel
- Front-End: VueJs
Available Addon
- OTP System Addon
- Refund Addon
- Reward System Addon (Ready to release)
- Wholesale Addon
- Offline Payment Addon(Ready to release)
- Chat Messenger Addon(Ready to release)
- POS Manager Addon(Ready to release)
- Affiliate System Addon(Under Development)